
Here's the rundown of what's new in bloggery this week!

Brand New on Science Time- my interview with Dr. Peter Jansen, the man who brings us the Open Source Tricorder, 3-D Printer designs and Artificial Intelligence that learn like infants do. Great for Trekkies, Futurists, and Science Lovers everywhere!
" I grew up in Canada with parents who were (and are) very generous even through very tough times, and very strongly believe that life is about bettering ones self and helping the people and the world around us.  Accessibility and science education is a huge part of the Tricorder project, and I would feel incredibly honoured to be able to look back in 20 or 30 years and see that I had contributed to kids being able to learn more about their worlds, and make positive change."

On Fangirl World we are tracking Avengers Vs X-Men with pages and panels and a bit of snarky pondering. Catch up with #0, #1 and #2!

Also I weigh in on Before Watchmen with questions on Creator's Rights and Moore's predicament with DC. While they cash in on his vision, other respected and talented comic book writers and artists bring the origins of his characters to life in a project he calls "shameless."

Catch a great documentary, the Codes of Gender, shared now on The Museum of Sexism in it's entirety for free! Exploring our social relationship to advertisements, this film points out the artistic concepts behind print media poses and how they reflect our cultural attitudes toward men and women. Visual proof of ad after ad will convince you to look a little deeper into the images we see everyday.

Since the War on Women is the political buzzword these days, I offer some vintage propaganda for you as well.


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