Updates! Zazzle Launch, What you missed on ST & MOS

Hey hey! Last post I talked about all the Fangirl pages I've been making and warned you I'd be adding another to the mix- a Zazzle store!

Get details over at Fangirl World and shop well friends! Etsy is next, and then I will consider my Fangirl website empire complete... (for now!)

All this Fangirling means I haven't posted my new material for Science Time and Museum of Sexism yet- it's waiting in the wings! Meanwhile ... catch up on what you may have missed!


ScienceScape is mapping scientific research in a whole new way! I interviewed co-founder Sam Molyneux about their mission, their process and how Sciencescape will organize millions of pieces of scientific literature!

Does the anti-suffrage propaganda of the early 1900s still affect our opinions on feminism today? Answers come in the form of vintage images compared with modern day media. Check out the 2nd installment of Symbols of Suffrage: The Marytered Man-Wife at the MOS!

Fangirl World on Facebook, Pinterest, Merch to come soon!

 Geeks! Nerds! Dorks! Lend me your {slightly pointed for Spock/Elf cosplay} ears!

Fangirl World is making it's way around the interwebs! The Facebook Page is a spot for funny, meme-ish pictures, hilarious comic panels and nerdy news that will pop up right in your feed. All you have to do is LIKE us (and you do like me, dontcha?) SPREAD THE WORD, because at 100 Likes I'm giving away some rad swag to 5 fangirls and boys at random! This will continue every 50 Likes we get!

I've also started a Pinterest Board for Fangirl World that is totally Geek Chic - fashion, decor, DIY crafts can be found here!

Coming soon will be my Etsy shop for homemade goodies and a Zazzle store for T-Shirts and whatnot- here's a little sneak peek of the designs I'm working on, which will be available by the end of June!

Stay tuned for more! And remember to like Fangirl World on Facebook for a chance to win cool stuff! Thanks everyone!

If you missed it ...

Big new posts are coming these week, so catch up on all the cool you missed before Monday!

How strong is Spider-Man's webbing? How powerful is Tony Stark's arc? I met Doctor and Professor James Kakalios at the USA Science and Engineering Festival. He's the author of The Physics of Superheros and he sat down with me for a few moments to discuss just that! We talk about his favorite heroes, the newest Iron Man vs Magneto fight from Avengers vs X-Men and his consulting work on the new movie The Amazing Spider-Man. Professor Kakalios may be a nerd at heart, but his secret agenda is to get people interested in science. Check out the video at the Science Time blog!

I'll show you the War on Women of the early 1900's- when Women were fighting for the right to vote and anti-suffrage propaganda painted a historically important picture of feminism that still affects how it's viewed by the general public today. I have collected these images into a four part series called Symbols of Suffrage. Catch up on the first set, The Unlovable Feminist, on the Museum of Sexism today! The next installment debuts this week!

Take a little Sneak Peak at some of my homemade handy crafts meant for nerds, geeks and fangirls and boys everywhere. I'll be selling them at some local art shows this summer, as well as working on launching an Etsy page for lots of fantastic Fangirl fun.

Local Scene: Art Beat in the Street!

Brewster locals got a surprise yesterday as they walked down Main Street; artists had taken over! In front of many historical sites such as the Southeast Museum and the Brewster Public Library, painters, sculptors, photographers and crafters had set up shop- myself included! Photographers talked about their techniques, landscape painters shared stories of breathtaking mountains and lakes, multimedia mask makers created pieces as you watched! The Second Saturday Band rocked out near The Studio Around the Corner, filling the air with bright and full renditions of classic rock favorites.

We are part of a movement meant to re-inspire Brewster's Art and Culture scene and we're getting a little help from Bob Dumont, owner of The Bowl Company in Brewster and founder of Art Beat. May 5th was the start of a series of street fair style Art Beat shows happening in Brewster this Summer, the first Saturday of each month.

Join us on June 2nd, July 7th and August 4th for an eclectic mix of creativity, talk to the artists and SUPPORT LOCAL ART AND MUSIC!